Friday, December 11, 2009

Pregnancy Nausea More Condition_symptoms What Are Your Best Tips For Beating Pregnancy Nausea?

What are your best tips for beating pregnancy nausea? - pregnancy nausea more condition_symptoms

I was sick for almost 2 weeks. It was as if I wake up to the time that I go to bed. Who is from May to work again! Any tips to overcome this? It seems that the will of their own end in the near future!


amosunkn... said...

25 ml of vitamin B6 3 times a day, same time every day without exception. After a week really begins a disease within two weeks decrease is only when you stop taking them.

He saved my butt.

amosunkn... said...

25 ml of vitamin B6 3 times a day, same time every day without exception. After a week really begins a disease within two weeks decrease is only when you stop taking them.

He saved my butt.

ComeOn! said...

Eat several small meals throughout the day and all night. If you are in the middle of the night to eat and get back in the early hours of the morning, feeling sick, he meets you for the first time you wake up. You have to keep feeding every two hours. Buy a couple of ginger beer. Now many different types of foods, so you can find something appealing. It is difficult to have to eat several times a day, but is not eternal.

janjaley said...

Cookies, and near a toilet.

lingleel... said...

Poor you! I know what you, because I feel sick from week 5 gave birth to the day. Even after the birth, I vomited. And my illness does not begin until the time when I woke up. Even if I can sleep at night to wake in the middle of the night and even vomiting. In order to keep some food in my stomach, I eat and lie down immediately, at least for an hour. If you find that Pallata not use cookies, try cooked rice or bread. Do not take more than two glasses of water at once. Use the small sips. I tried to drink some ginger, but do not help us much. My vomiting become so bad, I lost weight and turned my stomach so I had to take med. Ultimately, he had no other choice, I woke up at 6 clock every day, I make a cup of warm milk and go to bed. It helps me, the day when I wake up in the morning. Rmbr take a rest a lot. Take one days of pregnancy at a time.

Hope this helps .... BTW Congratulations!

Holy Macaroni! said...

Almost nothing has worked for me, but ... something to eat or as difficult as you might be able to help you! Whenever I had an empty stomach, was 10 times worse. I also found that some soft drinks would be to settle the stomach a little. I had morning, noon and night sickness for a long time and really thought I might lose my mind. Wait!

ROBIN T said...

My daughter was very ill at the beginning of her pregnancy. And frankly, the only way, he stopped eating. At any time, to still a little hungry than sick. So every few hours you will eat a cookie or two. She pulls a package of cookies to eat on your night table and, before it get out of bed in the morning. It's not really been sick since. Good luck and congratulations.

ladyluck said...

The ginger helps. I have seen displayed ginger. Most of my family swears by ginger during pregnancy.

webjen26 said...

There are persistent organic pollutants contribute Preggo. I've also heard that ginger is good

Jill said...

Lemon slices into the water. Small sips often throughout the day. Something about the acidity, flavor and let the belly.

Jill said...

Lemon slices into the water. Small sips often throughout the day. Something about the acidity, flavor and let the belly.

Special K said...

Each diet ginger and white rice, cakes, ice cream, vanilla, etc. (bad taste and odor)

Melissa S said...

Do not be put to sleep on an empty stomach. Something to eat a few cookies every 30 minutes while you are awake and begin as soon as you wake up (Keep eating in bed). Vitamin B6 is good, and ginger (ginger, but I love, not what I do).

Good luck, which ends on time.

justplai... said...

Here is a page that is helping me in my time of morning sickness, or as I like to call it. "Damn it all sick days"
You never know when you are up to the end, some women do not ever b (Lucky * tches) A woman who has all the fricking time (I pray that this does not, you = D)
Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy!

first babe said...

Boy can not hear you! I got sick from 6 weeks to 14 and it really stinks: (I've tried everything ... lemons, cookies, drink a lot ... and nothing seemed to work for me. There are several things to try, you can if you something for you ... you should not miss ... If you're like me ... ask your doctor about ... Diclectin find saved me! "It takes the nausea disappears, but at least I was able to work and back I eat (initially lost a lot of weight). Now I could again, which I am lost, and in about another 2 lbs and share (I, a little over 16 weeks). Good luck and be sure that it is not usually modified by the first trimester:)

I hang with the BIG DOGS said...

I also had the disease every day with my two children and was very uncomfortable! I told my doctor to keep crackers by the bed, and before I sat down to eat a few of them and stayed a few minutes. It worked so well! I drank only warm water and 7UP. Once I went until I could keep things going, but before eating, what you eat biscuits (cookies) and then I was able to eat normally! Hope this helps, I know how you feel! Good luck and happy eating biscuits!

critty31... said...

Poor you .. Nausea sucks.
Ask your doctor to perscribe this medication for you, it really works for nausea in pregnancy: ODT ondansetron 8 mg

giftfrom... said...

SIP soda. glowing coke works best for me. My sister-in-law of gum. as every day.

♥Tessa♥ said...

Get a prescription for Zofran or phenegran. States, the only thing that helped me.

SAL said...

Izze soda, mint tea - the only question was able to calm the stomach.

Kimberly said...

Try to keep crackers and Sprite in his bed. When you wake up, eat a little before leaving the bed. Then eat during the day, snacks, or snacks during the day.
If you are prenatal vitam sick, you can take Flinton for children. That's what my doctor told me a few weeks ago.

wait and see said...

If the nausea has not hit me directly Altoids sour lemon. Any bitter thing really helped.

What is the nausea. It sucks!

If you can stay hydrated or vomiting is extreme, contact your gynecologist. They can prescribe medications to help you.

erinjl12... said...

Ginger, celery, crackers, toast. Different things to different people. Remember, not ginger, ginger in it and can not have the same effect as the real ginger. Try ginger biscuits or something, and then check ingrediants.

Janie B said...

It sounds strange, but the ginger biscuits! Worked for me.

An G said...

Ginger ale and crackers ... to keep by the bed and picnic some even before they

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