Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Periodontal Disease More Condition_symptoms What Can I Do To Make My Periodontal Disease Better?

What Can I Do To Make My Periodontal Disease Better? - periodontal disease more condition_symptoms

I wonder if someone could give me some tips to make better time disease'm periodontal my house, I had this disease for almost a year or two. My hygienist, said that things had deteriorated, so I think I speak my self-esteem and confidence, and smile at people, remember that I am only 16 years, I lose my teeth at such a time.


LPnAZ said...

Studies have linked periodontal bacteria that some people are genetically naturally in the mouth. The other factor is the oral hygiene and nutrition. First, no other choice but to floss and brush daily colonies of microscopic bacteria to disrupt the reliance on the gumline and cause recession and the deterioration of the fabric.

Get a professional cleaning teeth atleast 2 times per year. There are many hygienists and hygienist bad, so if you have any questions about the dental hygienist is an excellent ... Try another the next time you see them cleaning and other experiences made when the information is the same. Minimize sugary sweets and even if you have sugar, make sure to rinse vigorously with water and then, if you can not hunt. The bacteria thrive in sugar and starchy foods and do not want to encourage their growth.

And finally, there is a prescription mouthwash to help kill bacteria that can cause periodontitis. Discuss this possibility with your dentist. Can staINING in the teeth so that you can consider bleaching trays at home, which also help to keep the level of bacteria. Good luck!

LPnAZ said...

Studies have linked periodontal bacteria that some people are genetically naturally in the mouth. The other factor is the oral hygiene and nutrition. First, no other choice but to floss and brush daily colonies of microscopic bacteria to disrupt the reliance on the gumline and cause recession and the deterioration of the fabric.

Get a professional cleaning teeth atleast 2 times per year. There are many hygienists and hygienist bad, so if you have any questions about the dental hygienist is an excellent ... Try another the next time you see them cleaning and other experiences made when the information is the same. Minimize sugary sweets and even if you have sugar, make sure to rinse vigorously with water and then, if you can not hunt. The bacteria thrive in sugar and starchy foods and do not want to encourage their growth.

And finally, there is a prescription mouthwash to help kill bacteria that can cause periodontitis. Discuss this possibility with your dentist. Can staINING in the teeth so that you can consider bleaching trays at home, which also help to keep the level of bacteria. Good luck!

Dentist H since 2001 said...

Are you sure that you "gum disease? It is not impossible. But the chances are that you may have gingivitis or localized juvenile periodontitis, LJP, or that some may have genetic components.

Communicate with your dentist to find out what we really have. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums characterized by bleeding. Periodontitis is the insertion loss and bone. I doubt that there is bone loss at a young age. But as I said, it is impossible to have periodontal disease at your age.

If you have localized juvenile periodontitis, is best achieved by a specialized dentist, a dentist who treated the conditions of the gums and bone.

In addition to excellent hygiene, brushing 2-3 times a day and floss, I want to see the range of dates to increase the dentist twice a year to 4-times or every 3 months. If there is improvement, variation reduction in the time span of 4 months and then every 6 months.

Ask your dentist will usually refer to their local periodontist for Evaion and treatment.

Library Eyes said...

receive regular cleaning as recommended ... I went every 3 months and then every 4 months and now every 6 months
frequently and brushing your teeth after brushing with toothpaste and then brush with a kind of antiseptic mouthwash ... ... You can turn around this situation ...

David S said...

This answer is not intended to give medical information about your personal circumstances. All you need to be examined by a dentist. This information is provided for general information on gum disease can be. It intends to present a doctor-patient or treat you to build targeted.

Most periodontal disease is caused by the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. Some medical conditions may improve your body on the plate. Puberty, pregnancy, the effect that the pill's gums do more to respond to the fork, if the conditions were not available. You can read about the state of health that influence the effects of gum disease #

As the plaque hardens and accumulates in the calculation or calculus. This trap plate of the plate, so that it can not be eliminated simply because brushing and flossing. Therefore, people will have their teeth cleaned at the dentist.

No evidence than ever that do the salt water rinses. Having healthy gums iis really very simple. First, you must have good oral hygiene. That means brushing and flossing. If you brush and floss only you did not clean plaque between teeth, and you have gum disease. Second, you need to be regularly cleaned your teeth at the dentist. For most people, 2 times a year is sufficient, even if some people need more or less and be healthy.

If the officer says that things are getting worse, then you are not working. The most likely reason is that you clean your teeth properly every day, and gingivitis. In this condition, the gums are red and swollen and bleed easily, but the underlying bone is unaffected.

There are more serious conditions, although much less common than their lack of improvement. These include GUN (ulcerative gingivitis, gum disease, dermatological, or leukemia. If your family dentist not solve the problem, then you need to see a periodontist. Periodontist, is a specialist in treating gum disease and need to be able to achieve

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