Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kidney Piles What Can The Courts Do To Help Me Collect On Restitution Owed?

What can the courts do to help me collect on restitution owed? - kidney piles

My husband has received 10,000 U.S. dollars. the return of a type of drugs found in his car with him. So far, we have never seen a penny. My husband can not work (broken pelvis, spine rolled,), internal bleeding and kidney damage, and I am overwhelmed with work to take care of him and the farm from me. Is there anything that can do the courts to garnish wages for sale or are in a position to something, anything, so we can survive? This sucks. You only life, while we are victims twice. After the accident, then the bills are piling up!


jennifer... said...

Wage garnishment
Contact the court for an opinion.

jennifer... said...

Wage garnishment
Contact the court for an opinion.

mike_gil... said...

Normally, if the repayment is embroiled in a criminal case is an agreement with the prosecutor and the offender is on probation. When he received a custodial sentence of up to await his release on parole, initially to collect. The refund will be paid directly to the court that the court will be ordered and paid for, usually the convicted person on probation until the restitution is paid in full. I wonder back to the court, whom do you turn to, is usually the probation officer, dealing directly with the person concerned. You can also contact their states' rights "for the victims because they can be useful both to you and can sometimes lead to an organization that can help you finance. Good luck.

frankie5... said...

Check your own auto insurance. You have not yet insured drivers in your country? There is no way where you are. If I could pretty well ....
Sheez is very important that insurance covers.

mopargra... said...

Back to the courts. But he did nothing, they can not get anything. It is not fair, but that seems to be how it works.

Left the building said...

The possibility that the recovery of $ 10 for each major type of addicts, "probably zero.

The court has finished with the file, and it is up to you to recover the debts. They are no different than any other person who owes you money.

Consult a lawyer or collection agency.

Vicious Tuna said...

In contact with the court by the decision and ask for advice or the next legal step.

You may very well go back to court.

tex said...

... could go for advice on "People's Advocate", to get free legal advice and gives us a guide.

gary r said...

Need to hire a lawyer. This is a civil matter is. where there are tons of Dead Beat lawyers would help you, your money.

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